4 Breathing Tricks to Increase Your Running Longevity
Running is something most people do at least several times in their life. You have probably wondered how to increase your running longevity at least once, especially if you get winded easily or have never done much running. Luckily, here are four breathing tricks to improve your running longevity!
Breathe With Your Diaphragm
Diaphragmatic breathing is an excellent breathing technique for running because it allows you to breathe more air. It strengthens your lungs and other breathing muscles, which helps train your body to breathe more easily when running. Also, you will be less likely to experience stitches when running if you use diaphragmatic breathing.
If you are someone who takes shallow breaths and has a hard time taking deeper breaths, diaphragmatic breathing can be a great help. Take your time when beginning diaphragmatic breathing and practice it in short sessions before using it while you run. The recommended length of each session is 5 minutes for at least 3 – 5 days before using it while running.
Steps to breathe through your diaphragm:
Lay on your back
Get a feel for how breathing through your belly feels
Breathe through your nose
Once your stomach expands, push out your diaphragm
Your inhales should be shorter than your exhales
Use Proper Form
When running, it is important to use the proper breathing form to increase your running longevity. Your back should be straight with your head and spine aligned. Keep your head from falling to the front or back, making breathing more difficult. Also, keep your shoulders relaxed and do not hunch forward, putting extra pressure on your chest.
Rhythm Breathing Is Your Best Friend
When running, it is important to breathe with a rhythm to prevent too much stress from being placed on your muscular system. When your foot hits the ground, you send shocks up through your system, and if you do not breathe in a proper rhythm, you will find it harder to run for a long time.
Two rhythms are typically considered the best for long-distance running, the 3:2 method and the 2:1. When using the 3:2 method, you inhale for three-foot steps and then exhale for two. If you are running faster, it is better to use the 2:1 method. With this method, you inhale for two footsteps and then exhale for one.
Practice Breathing Exercises
One of the most important ways to increase your running longevity is doing breathing exercises daily. You can do dozens of different exercises, and you just have to learn what works best for your breathing. Some common exercises you may want to try are numbered breathing, rib breathing, and alternate-nostril breathing.
Now that you know four breathing tricks to increase your running longevity, you will need to put them into practice. Only by building the habits necessary to breathe through your diaphragm and perform breathing exercises will you see a long-term increase in your running longevity. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start practicing!
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