
6 Daily Habits You Can Form Now for Healthy Aging

No matter how old you are, now is the time to start thinking about healthy aging. The sooner you begin changing your habits, the better! The tips below are simple steps you can take to ensure that your golden years are your best yet.

Take Preventive Care Seriously

One of the problems in Western medicine is its emphasis on treating disease, rather than preventing it. Shifting from a reactive approach to one that is more proactive can help you stay healthier as you age. Schedule annual checkups with your primary care physician, dentist, eye doctor, and any other specialists needed for health concerns you might have. If you’re an older adult, consider seeing a doctor who specializes in geriatric care. They can recommend specialists, coordinate care and treatments for health conditions, and help you build a care plan that is personalized to your needs.

Sleep Better

The recommended amount of sleep for healthy aging is 7 to 9 hours every night. If you sleep less than this or more than this, you may have a shorter lifespan and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. Good sleep hygiene means going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, keeping your room quiet, cool, and dark, and turning off devices a few hours before your bedtime.

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

Whole foods that are high in fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients should be the cornerstone of your diet. This allows you to get the nutrition your body requires and reduces your risk of chronic disease. The Mediterranean diet is one of the most widely recommended by experts in healthy aging. Olive oil, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and seafood are all part of the Mediterranean diet, with few processed foods, red meats, and full-fat dairy items.

Have Good Dental Hygiene Habits

Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss at least once a day. Not only will this regimen make your teeth and gums healthier, but it will also help you manage other chronic inflammatory disorders like diabetes and heart disease by reducing inflammation in your mouth, which causes inflammation elsewhere in the body.

Make Sure You’re Moving

Only 15 minutes of moderate exercise every day can make a big difference in your physical, mental, and emotional health as you age. Of course, more than 15 minutes is better, but even a small amount of physical activity can make a significant difference in the quality and duration of your life.

Stay Connected

Making an effort to interact with family and friends can have a variety of health benefits. Study participants over 65 who reported higher levels of social activity were more likely to have positive moods, fewer negative feelings, and higher levels of physical activity. Reconnect with old friends or meet new people through church groups, volunteer activities, gyms, clubs, or classes.

Learn More About Longevity Herbs

If you’d like to learn more about Longevity Herbs, browse our product selection online or contact us today.

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