Woman walking down iconic Port Noarlunga boardwalk

7 Tips for Working Out and Staying Fit While on Vacation

Being on vacation is a great feeling. You can relax, try a variety of different treats, maybe even sleep in. But the reality is this: sometimes being on vacation can cause us to overindulge when it comes to food and drink, or not get enough exercise. And, in the long run, this can cause your health and fitness to suffer.

However, traveling doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stop making healthy choices and interrupt your regular exercise routine entirely. Here are some simple tips for working out and staying fit – even while vacationing.

Tip One – Take the Stairs 

Whenever you can, instead of opting for the elevator or escalator, take the stairs! This will burn calories and help you stay fit. You don’t need a Stairmaster to have a workout on the stairs.

Tip Two – Walk Don’t Ride

Whenever you can, walk to sightsee and explore your vacation destination. Rather than hopping in a cab or taking a bus, take a walk. Not only will you get some excellent exercise, you’ll experience more on foot. Don’t hesitate to take longer to enjoy a city neighborhood than you would by taking transport, and don’t miss out on a short walk or hike in nature instead of simply leaning out from your rental car or tour bus to take a photo.

Tip Three – Make Plans to Keep Moving

It doesn’t matter where you move – just keep moving. You don’t have to be on a treadmill in a gym to get those steps in and burn some calories. Walking around a museum or strolling along the beach instead of simply lying under a cabana all day are great ways to keep fit.

Tip Four – If You Plan Regular Workouts Be Realistic

Let’s say you want to fit in your normal daily workouts. While that’s a great goal, be realistic. You may not want to put in the time or energy for a full workout when you could be out having fun or exploring. Instead, consider running through 50% of your regular workout, whether that’s in your hotel fitness center or doing yoga in your room. Remember, no matter how good your intentions, you simply might  not have as much time as you would at home for a full regular workout. Remember that it’s always best to do something rather than doing nothing. Use the time you have. 

Tip Five – Don’t Deprive of Yourself of Dining Delights

It is your vacation and not only do you want to have fun tasting and enjoying local foods and beverages, you don’t want to feel guilty about doing so, either. While it’s a great idea to focus on veggies and smaller portions, don’t deny yourself tasty regional cuisine entirely. Simply use a little portion control and then taste away.

Tip Six – Snack for Energy the Healthy Way

While it’s a great idea to indulge in a lovely meal while traveling, to build your energy for more exploring and keep junk food to a minimum between meals, pack a snack! You’ll be able to find fresh fruit, nuts, and other good-for-you snacks anywhere you go, while foregoing the desire for a candy bar or fast food.

Tip Seven – Bring a Resistance Band

Easy to pack and easy to use, a resistance band allows you to get in a quick workout virtually anywhere. Right in your hotel room, you can complete reps of simple exercises such as biceps and triceps curls, lateral pulldowns, push-ups and squats. And that resistance band takes up minimal space in your suitcase!

Learn More About Longevity Herbs

Along with these tips, if you want to keep all your health needs covered, consider adding a healthy vitamin or supplement to your diet. At Longevity Herbs, we are happy to help!

If you’d like to learn more about Longevity Herbs, browse our product selection online, or contact us today.

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