Happy athletic woman cutting fruit while preparing healthy meal in the kitchen.
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3 Tips for Forming Healthy Habits

What does it mean to feel healthy? 

This question will be answered differently each time it is asked because healthy to you may be different to someone else. ‘Healthy’ could be getting enough quality sleep, eating a whole foods diet and getting optimal nutrition, or increasing your fitness goals to maximize your lean muscle mass. 

The goal of being healthy will vary from person to person, but the steps to get there will be the same. Developing healthy habits can help you begin to feel healthy, whatever that looks like to you. 

1. Have a Healthy Habit in Mind

Take some time to consider what habit you would like to form and make a part of your life. Saying you would just like to “get healthy” is not specific enough. Rather, you have to pinpoint what healthy feels like to you. 

Next, take a look at your current habits and how they will fit with this new addition. Are there changes that need to be made? Do you need to let go of negative habits? What can you do that will allow you to feel your best? 

In other words, deciding to go to a party is great, but without knowing the location you will find yourself wandering aimlessly looking for it. Have a healthy habit in mind, then you can make a plan about how to form it. 

2. Make a Plan for Your New Habit – And Be Consistent

Once you know where you want to go to feel healthy, action steps will help you see change. These may be all sorts of supporting actions that can help you cement your new goal into place. For instance, your plan may include things like: 

  • Setting aside 20 minutes every day to read a motivational book based on your habit of choice. Educating yourself about your new habit can be very beneficial. 
  • Write in a gratitude journal at least once per day. This will help you develop a positive mindset and may empower you to form that habit.
  • Fuel your body with good food. Regardless of whether your new healthy habit involves food or nutrition, fueling your body properly can help you maintain the energy, give you the ability to combat stress, and provide you with the stellar focus to work toward creating your new habit. 

The more you incorporate healthy steps into the formation of your healthy habit, the greater your chance of success. Don’t overload yourself and don’t be unrealistic. Choose a few steps that will help you reach your goal — and then be consistent at getting them taken care of each day. 

3. Don’t Give Up

Forming new habits is difficult. Many people have great intentions, but never actually form the habit.  You may go through the steps and feel great about your progress. And then you may have days where you just feel out of sync with your goals. Whatever happens, know this – you cannot form a healthy habit if you aren’t trying. So, that means giving up is not an option. 

Forming a new habit requires dedication and consistent behavior. If you slip up one day, it’s not the end of the world. But don’t wait to get moving again. Push forward, be persistent, and achieve anything you set your mind on. 

Start Forming Healthy Habits with Longevity Herbs

At Longevity Herbs, we want you to feel healthy. Whether you are in need of a boost of nourishment, finding balance within yourself, or some other form of healing, we are here for you.  Contact us today! 

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