Young woman taking a nutritional supplement at breakfast

Building Healthy Every Day Habits

Making healthy choices every day can not only help you to feel your very best, but it can also promote longevity. 

Nourishing your body well, moving more, minimizing stress, taking your herbal supplements, and getting better sleep are all things you know that you should be doing. Though figuring out how to make them stick as an everyday habit can be a challenge. 

In order to reap the benefits of the good things you do for your body, you need to do them daily. For instance, replacing one fast food meal with one made of whole foods is always beneficial for your health. But imagine the positive impact it could have if you did this every single day. 

This is why healthy habits are so important. 

Start Small

There are so many things you would like to do to enhance your overall sense of well-being. Unfortunately, though, making all of these healthy changes at once can make it more difficult to succeed at creating habits. It becomes overwhelming. 

So, start small. Pick a couple of things you would like to change, such as eating more whole foods and getting good sleep. 

Once you get going on those, then you can start adding more. 

What’s more, you don’t want to commit too much. By starting small you can feel that every day is a reward and feel good about yourself. This will, in turn, motivate you to keep going – and push harder. Instead of trying to run a mile, walk it. Instead of trying to eat healthy all the time, focus on changing one meal a day. 

Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is a great way to begin building healthy everyday habits. Why? Because despite having the best intentions, it is so easy to forget that you are trying to create a new habit. If you attach it to another habit, it can become natural. 

For instance, if you want to remember to take your herbal supplement every morning, attach it to something you do every day, like brushing your teeth. Once you brush your teeth, take your supplement. Over time, the two begin to flow together and you have created a new habit. Or, how about writing a gratitude list after you pour your cup of coffee? You always have a cup in the morning, so stack the habit. 

Start small with your habit stacking, but know that you can always stack on more and more down the road. 

Be Clear About Your Habits

As you begin developing your healthy habits, you have to know what it is you are trying to achieve. When you say get quality sleep, what does that mean? Is it 8 hours per night of uninterrupted, peaceful sleep? Does it mean setting up a bedtime routine to make you tired so you fall asleep faster? Or when you say healthy eating, do you mean eating more fruits and veggies? Giving up junk food? Cutting back on meat? 

The clearer you are, the more defined your habit will be – and the easier it will be to stick to it. 

Use a Habit Tracking Tool

Habit trackers work well for those who are trying to build healthy habits. That is, assuming you remember to use it. 

Habit trackers work well to track progress. Consider it like getting a gold star from your teacher for a job well done. 

You can track each time you complete a goal. For instance, keep track of how many hours of sleep you got, whether you went for a walk, when you remember to take your herbal supplement, how many minutes you meditated, and so forth. 

Not only can you look back and monitor your progress, but there is something about getting that gold star each day that will just make you feel good. 

You can buy habit trackers at the store (most come with agendas or journals), use an online habit-tracking app, or create your own system. 

Learn More About Wellness and Longevity 

Building healthy habits is so important for living a life you can feel good about – but don’t forget to include caring for your body from the inside out with herbal supplements. 

Whether you are trying to nourish your body and build a healthy lifestyle, recover from life’s challenges, or create new life, Longevity Herbs can help you build a healthy habit and reach your goals. 
Shop online today. Or, contact us for more information.

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