Young athletic woman kickboxing

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times”

This famous quote by Bruce Lee, I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times, is a reminder that you aren’t automatically an expert at anything. Rather, you have to work at it over and over and over again. The more focus and dedication you give something, the greater results you will achieve.

This concept can be applied to anything in life – not just kicks. 

Eating healthy every day will ultimately improve your overall health and wellness. Exercising routinely will yield a stronger, healthier body. Establishing a morning routine and sticking to it daily can boost your productivity and elevate your mind. Incorporating vitamins and supplements into your day – every day – can increase your longevity. 

Focus on Quality over Quantity

You can do a lot of mediocre things or you can do one thing really well. Today, it is more common to have a variety, engaging in a bunch of different activities, but never really becoming great at any of them. 

To be a runner, you have to run. You can’t just run once and call yourself a runner. You need to run routinely – better your time, your form, and your physique. You need to go the distance. 

To get there, you have to focus your mind on the quality of the training.  

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect. The concept sounds simple, doesn’t it? You have likely heard this old adage all your life. Maybe when learning your multiplication tables as a child or learning to hit the ball with the sweet spot on the bat to make that home run. 

The more you do something over and over, the better you become. Many adults leave this idea back in their youth. Or, they share it with their kids when they are struggling with something new. 

It applies to adults, too. And it can be applied to anything

Imagine for a moment that you had a really good night’s sleep last night followed by a really productive day. By just focusing on getting quality sleep every night, you will have the energy to accomplish everything else. 

Starting Today

What is it that you would like to achieve? What are your goals in life? What is something you do as a hobby that you’d like to take to the next level? Now is your time. If you start today, focusing your time and energy on something positive and productive, where will you be after, say, 10,000 hours? 

Learning to dance today could make you a paid performer or an instructor down the road. Or, starting your research and writing for the book you’ve always wanted to complete can land you a ready-to-sell novel. Listening to a 3-minute guided meditation today may lead you to be a meditation coach for beginners in the future. 

Keep Moving Forward with Longevity Herbs

Spending so much time with a precision focus can help you grow, but it can also take a toll on the body. To keep yourself healthy and strong – and maximize your ability – you have to stay nourished and recover well. 

Herbal supplements can help you be your very best. For instance, boost your mental performance and muscle energy with an Adaptogen Blend or be your best self with the help of probiotics or a comprehensive multivitamin

Shop online at Longevity Herbs or contact us today. 

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