Middle aged man doing yoga and fitness at home using laptop

Should You Exercise When You’re Sick?

You’ve been exercising every day, and you’re on track to achieve your fitness goals – and then you catch a cold. Should you still exercise? While expert opinions vary, in general, the consensus is that mild to moderate physical activity is all right – if all you have is a cold. In fact, exercise can help you to feel a bit better, relieving congestion and opening nasal passages.

But what about anything more severe than a cold? 

Try the Neck Test

The best way to determine if exercise is alright when you’re under the weather is the so-called “neck test.” If all your symptoms are above your neck – runny nose, congestion, sneezing, or even a slight sore throat, exercise should be okay.

All the same, you should consider reducing the length and intensity of a workout. Take a long walk instead of a jog, for example.

Below the Neck? Rest

If your symptoms include anything below the neck, like a cough or congestion in your chest, or an upset stomach, don’t exercise.

If you have a fever, body aches, or are experiencing fatigue, rest is best. 

As you feel better, you can gradually return to your regular workout routine.

Fever and Exercise – Stay Cool

Exercising if you’re feverish can increase the possibility of dehydration and make a fever worse. A fever can also decrease your muscle strength, and affect coordination – which will increase the potential for an injury. 

So, if you have a fever, however slight, avoid exercise for the time being. When you exercise with a fever, you could possibly raise your body temperature further, making yourself more ill. Any fever of 101 degrees or greater indicates a need to rest, not take a run around the block. 

Small sniffle, no fever? Then go ahead and take that run. 

Listen to Your Body

Regardless of what’s wrong, even if it is just a “little cold,” if you feel tired and under the weather, don’t force yourself. Listen to your body and know your own limits. 

Reduce the intensity of your workouts: rather than lifting weights, do gentle yoga; instead of running, take a walk. And remember, if you are experiencing any symptoms below the neck, let them subside before you go back to following your regular fitness routine.

Staying Healthy

Of course, one of the best ways to keep on a strong exercise schedule is by staying as healthy as possible so you won’t get ill in the first place. While a cold or flu can strike anyone, it will help you to resist illness if you are able to:

Get adequate rest every night with a regular bedtime

Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruit and vegetables

Supplement your diet with healthy herbs

Allow your body some “down time,” with activities such as meditation, listening to music, or reading a relaxing book

Eliminate excessive use of electronic devices, especially close to bed time, when sleep can be disrupted

Interested in Learning More About Longevity Herbs?

If you’d like to learn more about staying healthy, and Longevity Herbs, browse our product selection online or contact us today. 

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