young woman woman meditating at home

What Are the Immediate Benefits of Meditation?

Although meditation has been thought to have roots dating back to 5,000 BCE with many religious backgrounds, today it is widely used to stay mindful. People of all ages, all backgrounds, and all walks of life find it to be a peaceful moment of rest in the midst of a very busy life.

Should you really be prioritizing your meditation time? Are the rewards really that great? Is it all about living longer

Let’s talk about the immediate benefits of meditation – and why you should consider making it part of your routine. 

Decreased Stress Levels

Social media tells us life should be blissful, glamorous, and simple. Yet with every ring, text, or notification, it is tough to find a sense of peace. Life can be so busy and full that sometimes it is hard to breathe. With pressures at home, work, and socially, it can be difficult to find time to take care of yourself, eat healthy, head to the gym, and so forth. For those who have kids, additional stress comes with practices and other afterschool activities, homework, and all that comes along with raising tiny humans. 

Combine all of this together and it is no wonder why a huge percentage of the population is looking for peaceful, calming practices like meditation. 

The good news is that meditation does, in fact, reduce your stress level. It doesn’t matter what you had going on 5 minutes ago, an hour from now, or right here in this moment – meditation can free you from it. It replaces all the hustle and bustle with calm so you can tell the cortisol to chill and you can finally breathe. 

One session can lift the weight and decrease your stress level. Immediately.

Reduced Heart Rate

With all of the stress above, it is common for heart rates and blood pressure to rise. Though one session of meditation has the power to bring it down. Keeping it within a normal range can reduce the chance of cardiac issues and can keep your heart healthy. 

Minimize Anxiety

For many different reasons – and as it relates to the person – anxiety has the ability to consume one’s life. Anxious thoughts can even get to the point where they become debilitating. With regular meditation, anxiety is able to be seen, accepted, and let go.

Stopping and grounding yourself in meditation while dealing with heavy anxiety can bring great relief. 

Better Sleep

One of the greatest benefits that many people notice is the ability to get better sleep once they begin meditating regularly. Even those who have suffered from insomnia find relief – and those who have taken sleeping pills to catch some zzz’s find that they can stop. It is not just about the hours of sleep, but rather having a much better overall sleep experience. 

How About the Long-Term Benefits of Meditation? 

Meditation doesn’t just impact you right now. The longer you incorporate it into your life, it becomes a part of your routine. And, with that, it brings some long-term benefits, such as:

Increased self-awareness
Better controlled anxiety
Increased focus and concentration
Enhanced memory
Improved quality of life
Happier, more positive outlook
And, of course, meditation can improve your chances of living a long, healthy life. 

Learn More Today

If you’d like to learn more about living longer and living well, you can benefit from Longevity Herbs as well as meditation. Browse our product selection online or contact us today. 

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