wooden basket full avocados fruit on a table with a glass of water next to it

Best Foods for Healthy Skin

What you eat is not only important for your overall health, but also for the good health of your skin. What you eat can affect both health and aging when it comes to your skin. 

Here are some of the best foods you can consume to keep your skin healthy and looking its best.

Fatty Fish

Rich in Omega-3, important for keeping your skin moisturized and supple, fish like salmon, herring, and mackerel are excellent for your skin. 

Omega-3 healthy fats reduce skin inflammation, and can help to fight against any autoimmune issues that could affect your skin, such as psoriasis. It’s also an important way to obtain vitamin E, which is important to protect your skin against damage from free radicals and inflammation by creating antioxidants for your skin.

And, fish also provide both zinc and healthy protein, both important in both the production of skin cells and skin health.


Terrific for keeping skin in healthy, flexible shape, the healthy fat in avocados can also protect your skin from UV sun damage, are a great source of vitamin E, as well as vitamin C, both vital in the fight against aging skin and sun damage.

Nuts and Seeds

Walnuts, like fatty fish and avocados, also offer essential fatty acids, and contain both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. And, they provide high protein and zinc, excellent for healing and fighting against bacteria as well as inflammation. In fact, walnuts also provide selenium and vitamin E, all proven to keep your skin its healthy best.

Sunflower seeds are another great source of nutrients that boost skin health, and they pack plenty of vitamin E, selenium, zinc, and a whopping 5.5 grams of protein. 

Veggies and Fruits Rich in Beta Carotene

Providing vitamin A, beta carotene is found in sweet potatoes, oranges, carrots, and spinach. Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that helps your skin stay healthy by serving as nature’s sunblock, preventing dry and wrinkled skin as well as sunburn. Sweet peppers are another great beta carotene source, and they also provide plentiful amounts of vitamin C, necessary in the creation of skin strengthening collagen.


Packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as lutein, another carotenoid, broccoli has one more skin-enhancing ingredient as well: sulforaphane. This compound may even have benefits against types of skin cancer, and it protects against sun damage. 


Also containing vitamin C and major carotenoids such as lycopene, tomatoes, can help you maintain strong and youthful, healthy skin.


The isoflavone compounds in soy help to reduce fine wrinkles and improve the elasticity of your skin even as you age. Soy can also increase collagen, as well as providing good protection from sun damage. 

Dark chocolate

How sweet it is! Cacao powder contains a high amount of antioxidants for thicker, stronger, skin that is also better hydrated and supple. Consuming high-antioxidant dark chocolate daily, containing a minimum of 70% cacao, minimizes sugar and helps to improve wrinkles, blood flow, and the texture of your skin. 

Tea Time

Specifically, green tea is the beverage that you should make time for. Containing catechins, green tea helps to protect your skin from sun damage and from aging. They can also eliminate skin redness and enhance hydration. 

Red Grapes

The fruit of the vine can also reduce aging effects on the skin. These grapes contain resveratrol, a compound that is found in the skin of red grapes. It’s a powerful tool for skin health.

Summing up: adding each of these delicious foods to your daily diet can provide the right amount of nutrients and minerals to keep your skin strong, healthy, youthful, and attractive. 

Learn More About Longevity Herbs

Along with healthy foods for your skin, if you want to keep all your health needs covered, consider adding a healthy vitamin or supplement to your diet. At Longevity Herbs, we are happy to help!

If you’d like to learn more about Longevity Herbs, browse our product selection online, or contact us today.

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