Middle-aged man and woman holding hands while walking a dog on grass

How Can Supplements Improve Your HealthSpan?

With people living longer than ever, it has never been more important to focus on increasing your healthspan. If you’re unfamiliar with the term healthspan, it refers to the period of your life you spend in good health. Since we’re living longer than ever before, a focus on extending healthspan only makes sense. After all, living to a ripe old age doesn’t sound very appealing if you’re going to spend most of it riddled with sickness, immobility, and pain. Fortunately, much as we’ve begun to live longer, we also know how to remain healthy longer.  Here’s a look at ways that supplements, coupled with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, plenty of water, and plenty of sleep can help improve your healthspan.  

Cellular Health and Healthspan

The duration of time in our lives when we feel strong and healthy will largely depend on the health of our cells. That’s because our organs and tissues are all made up of cells. So it only makes sense that we should focus on maintaining healthy cells. But how do we do that?

Good cellular health, like maintaining good overall health, requires healthy eating, regular exercise, plenty of water, and plenty of sleep. Likewise, reducing stress helps keep cells healthy.  

But to give your cells an extra advantage, consider adding vitamin supplements. 

Vitamins and Healthspan

It may be shocking to learn that in America, although less than 10% of people have nutrition deficiencies, 90% are deficient in at least one or more essential vitamins and minerals. That means that our diets alone aren’t enough to provide the micronutrients necessary to maintain a lasting healthspan. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyesight. It is also essential for a strong immune system, which is needed to fight off infection and illness as we age. Vitamin A is also needed for the healthy function of the heart, lungs, and kidneys.  Vitamin A is found in dairy, meat, and fish. A second type of necessary Vitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables. If you’re not getting enough Vitamin A, a multi-vitamin supplement should be considered.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed to maintain bone strength, resist bacteria, and for muscle and nerve functions. Although our bodies naturally make Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, we need to be mindful of sun exposure due to the risk of cancer. Fortified foods help, but if you’re concerned about getting enough Vitamin D, consider adding a supplement

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Healthy levels of folate and folic acid are vital for pregnant women. Both help fetal development.  But folate is also needed as we age to lengthen our healthspan. Folate deficiency can cause certain types of anemia that can lead to heart palpitations, headache, weakness, and fatigue. You can get plenty of folate in prenatal vitamins, or from folate supplements.


Zinc is essential for fighting off infectious diseases. It also helps your body to make protein, and helps wounds to heal. Many multivitamin supplements contain zinc. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, a supplement that contains zinc may be particularly crucial, as most food sources that provide zinc are meat products.  

Shop for the Highest Quality Vitamin Supplements

At Longevity Herbs, we are here to help extend your healthspan by providing premium quality vitamin supplements. Shop our complete line of vitamin supplements, or contact us today

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