Mother and father laughing with child while the mother is serving salad for dinner

7 Tips for Eating Healthy During The Holidays

If you’re wondering how to eat healthy during the holidays, you’re not alone. It’s a struggle to avoid treats that, however tasty they may be, can contain an excessive amount of sugar, salt, or other not-so-healthy ingredients.

The holidays are often packed with delicious memories that aren’t always the best for a healthful lifestyle. But, by using just a few helpful tips, it can be easier to find and choose the healthiest food options.

Moderation is Key

Don’t give up your festive food favorites – just cut back on the quantity you consume, and make the meals you have away from the celebrations lighter yet dense in the nutrients you need to stay well. A breakfast centered around healthy proteins, such as an egg white omelet or low-fat yogurt, is a great start to the day. Make sure to include a whole grain, such as whole wheat toast or oatmeal in the mix, as well. For lunch, go for a light salad with balsamic dressing, so that in the evening, when it’s time for the stuffing and cookies, you can enjoy a few of these indulgent treats.

Control Portion Size

Another important way to exercise moderation is by controlling your portion size. You can do this in ways like these:

  • Don’t fill or pile your plate at a holiday feast
  • Choose a half slice of cake over a full piece
  • Use smaller plates at your own seasonal gatherings.

Slow It Down

Eating more slowly is another great technique to use when you’re considering how to eat healthy during the holidays. 

Slowing down when you eat is always a good idea, because eating slowly gives our stomachs the time to signal our brains that we are getting full. Allowing the time for body and mind to catch up can help stop overeating, and help with portion control as well. And when it comes to holiday treats, slowing down also allows you to truly savor and enjoy festive meals, and provides more time for conversation with friends and family, too.

Focus on Veggies 

Whether you’re preparing a holiday meal yourself, or dining elsewhere, turn your attention to vegetables first. Sure, those sweets look delicious, but you’ll crave less of them  if you’ve prepared or consumed ample amounts of salad or roasted vegetables first. Vegetables make a great appetizer, because they will help to fill you with healthy, good-for-you nutrients ahead of a more decadent meal.

Walk It Off

After any meal, getting a little exercise can help you relax, assist with digestion, and with losing or maintaining your weight. Walking right after a meal is the best way of all to help increase each of these benefits.

And, no matter how busy you are, get some exercise, whether it’s walks like these or a quick online exercise class.

Get Plenty of Rest

You’ll be more likely to snack – and crave sugary sweets – if you’re tired. Despite the demands of the holiday season, stick to your regular sleep schedule as closely as possible, waking up and going to bed around the same time you usually do at any time of year. 

Take Some “Me” Time

It may sound counterintuitive when friends and family are ready to visit, and group activities abound, but be sure to take some time for yourself this holiday season. Everyone needs a little quiet time. Whether you prefer to read a book, watch a little TV, take a stroll, or meditate, make some space in your day for some quiet time to recharge, rather than relying on snacks or sweets to raise your energy level.

Longevity Herbs Can Help

Remember, taking care of yourself is the best tip you can take for eating healthily during the holidays. And, at Longevity Herbs, we can help your self-care thrive. 

If you’d like to find out more about our product selection or learn about what we provide, reach out and contact us today!

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