Person asleep in bed with glasses and a book

How Do You Break Bad Sleeping Habits?

Getting a good night’s sleep is vitally important for your health. If you’re wondering how to break bad sleeping habits and get a restorative rest, it all begins with a consistent sleep schedule and establishing good sleep hygiene before you close your eyes.

Stick to a Regular Sleeping Schedule

The amount of sleep you need each night depends on your age. Healthy adults need about 7 to 8 hours nightly. 

With that in mind, set aside this amount of time every night – at the same time. Limit any difference in your sleep schedule nightly to an hour or less so you can establish a regular cycle. 

But, if you go to bed and don’t fall asleep after about 20 minutes, leave your room and read or listen to peaceful music to relax. Go back to your bed when you start to feel tired. 

Watch What You Consume

When you’re wondering how to fix bad sleeping habits, watching what you eat and drink before bedtime is another good idea. Don’t try to go to sleep hungry or overly full; avoid heavy meals close to bedtime. 

Cutting back on both caffeine and alcohol is another good idea. Both can take hours to wear off and disturb your ability to fall asleep and sleep well. Caffeine is overly stimulating, while alcohol, which may make you feel sleepy initially, is likely to interrupt your sleep later.

Make Your Room Inviting for Sleep

If you want to figure out how to change bad sleeping habits, consider establishing a restful space for sleep. 

  • Keep your room cool, quiet, and dark
  • Avoid using brightly lit screens, such as your TV or phone 
  • Add dark curtains or shades prevent light entering your sleeping space
  • Ear plugs, a fan, or white noise machine can help if your environment is noisy
  • A bath or a relaxing meditation before bedtime can encourage sleep

Avoid Naps

Naps may sound restful, but they can disrupt your night’s sleep. Limit any naps to 30 minutes or less so you won’t disrupt your sleep schedule

Get Exercise and Fresh Air

Adding some regular physical activity also helps you to sleep. But don’t be too active close to your bedtime, when exercise can be overly stimulating. And just like activity, getting some time outdoors helps you sleep, too.

Manage Your Stress

Whether it’s by getting organized, delegating chores or work, making a to-do list, or focusing on mind-calming meditation, try to put your concerns and worries aside before bedtime. 

Learn More About Longevity Herbs

Healthy herbs can help with healthy sleep habits, too. To learn more about Longevity Herbs, browse through our product selection online, or contact us today.

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