Woman in a yoga class sitting on a yoga mat stretching her hamstrings

11 Tips to Begin Exercising Safely Again

Getting exercise is good for both the body and spirit. If you want to begin a new movement regimen, you’ve probably wondered about how to start exercising – and keep going, safely.

Exercise is great for boosting your energy, improving your mood, and contributing to good physical health. It can also reduce stress and anxiety. But despite all the good exercise can do, making it a habit can be a challenge, whether due to a busy daily schedule, health issues, a lack of confidence, or motivation. If you’ve been away from exercise for awhile and want to start moving again, we have some tips about how to start exercising and stick to a plan that can make it more fun and less daunting.

It’s Not All or Nothing

One way to start and safely continue exercising is to release any expectations. No, you don’t need to spend hours every day in a gym, or undertake difficult or repeated exercises. Turn your attention to consistently exercising rather than on everything you think you “should” do. When you first start exercising, your only goal should be to keep going. 

No Excuses

Anyone can run short on time or feel too tired to exercise after a busy day. Or, you might simply hate the idea of exercise, at least the conventional ideas of running on a treadmill or lifting weights. 

The best way to avoid making excuses is to find physical activity you enjoy, whether it’s a walk with friends, biking, or dancing to your favorite music. And if you’re feeling time pressure, keep workouts short. Just a few 5 to 15 minute activities every day can be an effective way to start exercising. Keeping things brief and fun means exercise can be accessible to everyone, regardless of your age, health, or time limitations.

Time It Right 

Some amount of time, no matter how brief, is better than no time for exercise. The current adult exercise recommendation is 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. That’s exercising for 30 minutes, five days a week – or if you don’t have that much time all at once, feel free to take two 15-minute exercise breaks or three 10-minute workouts per day instead. Keeping things short means keeping things safe, too, reducing the stress on your body.

Warm Up and Cool Down

No matter what your level of fitness, it’s a good idea to warm up before starting your exercise. Walk before you run, start lifting weights with just a few light lifts, stretch or flex your muscles before dancing, vigorous yoga, or other exercise programs. 

And after your workout, take a little time to cool down, while your heart rate returns to its natural resting rate. Stretching or a short walk may be just the right things for a cool down period. 

Stay Hydrated

Because your body is at its best when hydrated, be sure to drink water before, during, and after exercise to renew and replenish.

Hear Your Body

Listen to your body, it’s talking to you. Don’t ignore any discomfort or pain when working out, or try to power through it. To stay safe when you exercise, listen to what your body is telling you to do, whether it’s telling you to stop, slow down, relax, or stretch. 

Build Exercise Momentum

No matter what your exercise goal, start slowly and build up to it. If you make your initial goal too ambitious, you’ll eventually give up. No one works well under constant pressure – and neither does your body, trying to exercise!

Make Exercise Automatic 

Exercise, like breathing, should come naturally. To make your exercise regimen happen regularly, it’s a good idea to build in certain cues or triggers to remind you to exercise. Whether it’s keeping your running shoes or yoga mat right by your bed, or setting an exercise alarm or phone reminder, establishing a way to remind yourself of your regular exercise activity helps make that activity into a built-in and routine part of your day at a regular time. 

Choose Activities You Enjoy

If you don’t like lifting weights or running hurts your knees, then don’t choose those activities as part of your exercise plan. Set yourself up for success by selecting activities that fit your taste and ability. Do you like to dance? Then, dance! Do you enjoy an exercise that helps you stretch or turn more inward? Yoga might be best. Love the water? Then, swim! The choices are limitless.

Make Exercise Social 

Another way to elevate your exercise plan is to make exercise social. Walk with a friend, talk on the phone while on an exercise bike, take a dance class with your significant other, or partner up for tennis.

Keep Track

Finally, another tip to get you started on a regular, safe fitness routine, is to keep track of your activities. Write down your workouts: what exercise you did, for how long, and at what time of day. This holds you accountable in the present, and allows you to create an encouraging record to look back on as you continue on your fitness journey. 

Learn More About Longevity Herbs

A healthy diet is also a key part of any exercise regimen. Reach out to us at Longevity Herbs to view our products and learn more. Contact us today!

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