Young woman drinking a glass of water when she wakes up

How Much is Your Daily Water Intake?

Since your body is made up of roughly 70% water, it makes sense that drinking the right amount of water every day is a vital part of maintaining a healthy diet. In fact, you’ve probably heard the phrase drink more water over and over again throughout your life. But just how much water should you be drinking? Is there a magic number? 

Let’s talk about why water is so important – and what your daily water intake should be so that you may reap the benefits. 

Water Brings Wellness to the Body

Water isn’t the only thing that brings an overall sense of wellness to your body, but it is most definitely a key factor. When you drink enough regularly, it will: 

Enhance your skin

Improve athletic performance

Regulate your body temperature

Lower blood pressure

Improve digestion

Help the blood carry oxygen throughout the body

Keep your joints healthy and lubricated

Flush waste and toxins from the body

Improve kidney function

Next time you are thirsty – drink some water. 

How Much Water Should You Drink? 

For many years you were told that your body needs you to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Recently, researchers have found that it may not be a scientifically accurate number. So, then, how much is your daily water intake? Just how much of the clear stuff should you be drinking? 

Generally speaking, adult men should be drinking about 130 fl oz per day, and 95 fl oz for adult women. However, there are many factors that can impact this, including: 

The temperature:

On a hot day in humid or dry climates, you are going to want to drink more water. 

Overall health:

During times of sickness, especially with digestive upset, drinking more water is often necessary. 


During exercise or times of increased physical activity, you will want to increase your intake of water. 

The foods you consume:

If you eat a lot of salty or spicy foods, for instance, you may require more fluids. 

Keep in mind that when you are not getting enough water, your body will begin to show you signs like lack of focus, fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and so forth. So be sure to pay attention to what your body is telling you. 

Incorporate More Water Into Your Daily Routine

Maybe you don’t like the taste of water. Or, maybe you get wrapped up in your day and forget to take a sip. Whatever the reason, there are a few simple ways to incorporate more water into your daily routine to boost your intake. 

Carry a reusable water bottle with you at all times. This not only makes it easy to drink whenever you want, but you can also refill it wherever you go

Swap out your drinks. A good way to get more water is to start swapping out your drinks. For instance, instead of ordering a soda while out, order water. 

Flavor your water. Avoid the powders and stick to natural flavor infusions, such as lemon, lime, cucumber, kiwi, raspberry, mint, and more. Try mixing them together, too.

Remind yourself. It’s easy to forget to drink water – especially if you aren’t keen on the idea in the first place. Setting reminders on your phone or watch will help you break your water intake up into chunks. 

Make it a habit to drink water at specific times. Make it a point to drink a glass of water when you wake up, a glass before you eat each meal, and a glass before bed. This is a good way to get the bulk of your water checked off the list. 

Learn More About Whole-Body Wellness

At Longevity Herbs, we understand just how important the actions we take every day can impact our bodies – and that includes how much water we drink. But it takes more than just water to help your body find balance and healing. 
Contact us today to learn more. Or, browse our product selection online. 

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