Woman doing exercises at home

Do Women Live Longer than Men?

The short answer to the question as to whether women live longer than men is yes. While this hasn’t always been the case – lifespan was about equivalent in the 19th century, women do live longer today.

While the reason why has not been fully evaluated, there are a number of different reasons for this, including biological, behavioral, and environmental factors.

What are Some of the Reasons Women Live Longer than Men?


Statistically, more men smoke more often than women do. Eliminating tobacco use from your life can lead to a longer lifespan for both men and women. Changing and eliminating smoking habits has occurred more often in women than men leading to a reduction in smoking-related health issues for women versus men.

Advances in Medicine

Between the risks of childbirth and the risk of infectious diseases that seem to affect women more than men, medicine has focused on alleviating some of these risks over the years. Because of this, long-term health issues and mortality due to the risks of childbirth or the risks of certain infectious diseases have declined for women, particularly in wealthier nations.

Existing Sex Differences in Chromosome and Hormones

Men and women have different chromosomes and hormones, which affects their longevity. Men ten to have more fat around their organs, called visceral fat, while women usually have more fat sitting directly beneath the skin, called subcutaneous fat. The reason for this difference in fat deposits is due to estrogen and the presence of the second X chromosome in women. 

Why does the placement of fat deposits make a difference in longevity? Fat surrounding the organs more closely predicts the possibility of cardiovascular disease.

Environmental Factors

While this has been changing, overall since the 19th century, men have participated in endeavors which have put them at higher risk, such as on the battlefield, or working with heavy industrial equipment. They have also worked in factory settings where environmental factors such as chemicals and substances like asbestos adversely affected health.

This is changing in two ways at present. Women are more frequently present in these fields that are inherently more health-adverse; however, in regard to manufacturing, practices have also gotten safer and more rigorous standards are being upheld in regard to the use of hazardous substances. 

Taking Care of Health Issues

Women have been shown in many studies in wealthier countries to exhibit more health issues throughout their lives. However, unlike men, they more frequently consult with medical professionals, visit doctors, take disability days, and receive hospital stays. In short: women tend to respond more rapidly to the need for health care and follow up on receiving it. 

Women Age More Slowly and Recover More Robustly 

Women in general tend to age more slowly, and when ill, whether due to more frequent consultation with health practitioners or simply by eating a healthier diet than men, tend to recover more quickly than men.

Health Eating

As just mentioned, women in general are more receptive to advice such as taking on healthy eating habits like turning to more plant-centric diets or consuming recommended, health- enhancing vitamin and herb supplements than their male counterparts.

Learn More About Longevity Herbs

Whether you’re a man or a woman, if you want to keep all your health needs covered, consider adding a healthy vitamin or supplement to your diet. At Longevity Herbs, we are happy to help!

If you’d like to learn more about Longevity Herbs, browse our product selection online, or contact us today.

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